Solicitors and Barristers

We believe that every person is entitled to have the benefit of good legal advice for a reasonable fee

Proctor Phair Lawyers has been in practice since 1962 and collectively we have 80 years experience and can provide you with advice and represent you in the following areas of practice:

Conveyancing and Property Law

We can provide you with our advice obtained after long experience in relation to all property matters which include conveyancing, including buyer and seller, inspection of property, searches and inquiries, contract for sale of land, electronic conveyancing, caveats, registration of title, valuation, purchase price, and completion and adverse possession of land in different jurisdictions, extinguishment of title, limitation periods, and the requirements of possession.


In addition we can provide you with advice relating to building regulations  execution of building works, building requirements, regulation of building sites, local authority powers, exemption from building regulations and  co-ownership and implied co-ownership of land, including legal and equitable estate, matrimonial property, sale of land by co-owners, bankruptcy or death of co-owner, dispositions of co-owned land, and covenants in building schemes, discharge and modification of covenants, passing the benefit and burden of a covenant, positive covenants, and restrictive covenants.and issues relating to easements, including characteristics of easements, creation and transfer of easements, dominant and servient tenement, positive and negative easements, statutory easements, equitable easements, and extinguishment of easements.


We can provide you with extensive advise on equitable and legal leases, purchase of landlord interest, registration of leasehold title, and subleases and the preparation of. lease and tenancy agreements, including  licences, variation of leases, option to renew, and determination of leases.


We can provide you with advice on legal issues in relation to mortgages, including mortgages over Torrens Title land, mortgages over general law land, priority of mortgages, sub-mortgages, transfer of mortgages, and discharge of mortgages.


We can provide you with advice on strata title system of subdivision, including common property, bodies corporate, strata plans, strata lots, registration of strata plans, and other general matters such as caveats who has the right to caveat a property and the consequences of not having the right to caveat a property.

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Level 2, 352 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box Q869, QVB NSW 1230
P. (02) 9299 9292
F. (02) 9299 9191